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We all dream of having a glowy, fresh, and healthy skin right? Well, in order to achieve that, you’d have to commit to some remedies that should be a part of your everyday routine and lifestyle. These tips and tricks I’m sharing are widely known as they are the “basics” of skin & body care, so make sure you pick them up and add them into your routine if you haven’t already.

1) Moisturize your skin daily:

The number one tip in skin & body care is hydration. Not only it will keep your skin looking fresh and smooth, but maintaining a hydrating skin will also fight back wrinkles at an early age. So make sure you own a good moisturizing cream and apply it preferably twice a day (once after a shower and once before you sleep).

2) ALWAYS moisturize your neck with your face:

Necks are one of the first body parts that show signs of aging, and while wrinkles are inevitable, we can still definitely slow down the process by taking care of this area and always keeping it hydrated.

3) Moisturize your body after every shower:

Just like our faces, our bodies need the moisture and the hydration as well. It can be by using body lotions or oils.

4) Take good care of your under eyes:

The under eye area is a very delicate part that we need to be gentle with. It can be by obviously hydrating your under eyes and by being gentle while applying your makeup and creams and not pulling too much.

5) Add sunscreen into your daily routine:

Sunscreens are not just for Summer and beach days. You should always be protecting your skin from the UV rays that can cause skin cancer and many other skin damages. In addition, it’s also important to apply sunscreen on your hands especially while you’re driving and they’re directly exposed to the sun.

6) Exfoliate & use peeling masks at least once a week:

Exfoliators and peeling masks get rid of the dead cells that are sitting on the skin. Removing these cells along with all the gunk that you can’t see will make your skin look much more fresh, clean and glowy.

7) Scrub (twice a week) & hydrate your lips daily:

The secret to smooth and pouty lips? Definitely exfoliating and hydrating the lips on the regular!

8) Apply Cuticle Oils on your nails after showering:

 In order to have strong and nice nails, cuticle oils are a must. You can either get the proper ones designed specifically for your nails or you can use some of the oils that you have (Olive oil, vitamin e oil, coconut oil, etc…).

9) ALWAYS finish showering with washing your body:

It’s been proven that some shampoos and hair conditioners can cause body acne. So in order to avoid that, always start showering your hair and end your showers with applying body gels so it completely rinses off the hair products that may be stuck on your body.

10) Keep your personal things in good hygiene: 

Whether it’s your makeup brushes, your bed sheets, pillowcases… Anything that comes in contact with your skin will have an effect on it. It’s recommended to wash your makeup brushes every week (especially face brushes) and to change and wash your bed sheets and pillowcases every two weeks.

Till next time, xoxo

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